Friday, October 29, 2010

Hot 100 Update #5

I've had one of those weeks where I just don't give a shit.  Sure, I've "tried" to stay on plan but my 20 trips to the kitchen to get fill in the blank as a snack didn't help.  If you put two and two together, that means that my goals went out the window too.

Goal #1 - Lose 20 Pounds - I weighed in this morning at 220.2.  That means I gained 0.4 pounds.  It could have been worse and after a 4.6 loss last week.  Even though I know I did horrible, I still wish I would have lost something! 

Goal #2 - Read more to the kiddos - This is one goal that I did without fail. 

Goal #3 - Exercise at least 3 days a week for 20 minutes - I did exercise for 3 days, but I know I could have done better. This week was mostly me sitting around instead of actually moving. My body is not thanking me for being so sedentary.

I hope everyone else was successful in their goals!


Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said...

So what is it about that "force" that makes us keep reaching for snacks! It's got me too! Ugh! We have to be stronger than it, lets not let it win!

Nice on spending time with the kids, that is VERY important, good for your! Stay postitive!

Salina Lyn said...

We reach for snacks because we are trying to feed a part of our soul that isn't getting the nutrients it needs. I'm sorry your struggling. I wasn't giving a shit about much the last few weeks either but the emotional eating is one of those things that will beat you up on your best days if you don't learn to feed yourself in other ways. Don't be so hard on yourself. 2 out of 3 goals isn't bad...celebrate the success you had. Reading to the kiddos is awesome. Exercising is awesome. Way to go! Smile and be happy. You ARE actively taking care of yourself. Happy Friday Hottie!

Roxie Morrow said...

I am meeting my "21 Day Challenge" goal. I'm trying to make it a habit to exercise, so I'm hitting the gym, doing DVD's at home, cleaning house, doing situps wherever and whevever, walking the school track while my girls have soccer practice....something for 21 days straight! They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, so that is what I'm gonna do!!!
My eating is more than exceptional, but I've been struggling with getting my butt out the door to go workout.
So far, this challenge is going great!

Don't beat yourself up for the .4 loss, today is a new day, just make better choices. Think before you act/eat. Get out and move a bit more. Little by little, it's all going to start falling into place for you.

You can do it girl. By the way, are you wearing makeup today? :)

Stay strong!

Leslie said...

Seems like a lot of us had marginal weeks. That's a pretty small're still way ahead of where you were. Hang in and make it a better week. I'm sure gong to try to!

Unknown said...

You know what? Almost 100% of the people on my blogroll had a pretty lousy week. I think the planets must be misaligned or something. The post on my blog today was written for me as much as for anyone else. And as far as you not being able to participate in my challenge...well, you are certainly allowed to bend the rules, seeing that your blog name has the word 'fat' in it. LOL
Seriously though, you are a beautiful person, inside and out. Let's agree to throw this week into the dump and just decide that next week, which is also the beginning of a new month by the way, we'll all be feeling better. Have a good weekend. Hugs to you!!

Shane G. said...

ok well you didn't win this week. that is the past. can't change it so work on being successful this coming week. that you have control over.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how strong that force is sometimes? I still think you did pretty good for the week. Keep you chin up!

~South Beach Steve

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