Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I'm drowning

When I started this crazy thing called weight loss I decided to cut back on soda and sweet tea.  I'll admit that I went through withdrawls and craved that sugary goodness.  I found myself sitting my closet, swaying back and forth, and chanting while I detoxed from the caffiene and sugar.  Not really to that extreme but it was hard.  I mean sweet tea in Texas is just a given!  8 weeks later I can proudly say that I have not given in to the temptation. 

I've been trying hard to step up my water intake, but have found it very difficult to get in the recommended 64 ounces per day.  Changing this might help me with snacking throughout the day and, in the end, show better numbers on the scale.  Honestly, on a normal day I only drink 2-3 glasses of water (I've never been a heavy drinker of anything); simply put I just don't drink enough.  Not only have I had to adjust drinking water, but the amount I drink.  The more water I drink the more I feel like a drowned rat.  Such a vicious cycle. 

Do any of you bloggy buddies have any ideas on how to drink more water throughout the day?


Jayne Doe said...

I *HATE* drinking water. I try to get in at least 4 500 ml bottles per day but it's HARD!

#1 - always keep COLD water in the fridge (if the partially consumed one I am drinking gets warm, I swap it for a colder one and I'll finish the first one later)

#2 - sometimes I put lemon or lime slices or juice in

#3 - I try to drink SOME whenever I feel hungry, even if it's only a couple of swallows

#4 - I do always drink water at night time because my throat gets dry so every time I wake up, I have a bottle near my bed and I sip it (though it's not cold by morning obviously).

And I have never been a water fan.

I prefer Pepsi.

The Fat Mom said...

I actually don't mind drinking water. I just don't like drinking alot of anything throughout the day, even after a heavy workout. Maybe I'm just weird.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Dr. Fat To Fit said...

I think it's a habit. You have to make yourself at first. Just like diet. Just like exercise. And eventually it's just routine. I drink 32oz in the morning w/ breakfast through my snack. Another 32 with lunch. Another late afternoon. Another with dinner. I never realized how dehydrated I was all the time until I started this. My energy level is better, my headaches are better. And weight loss is better when I'm drinking the water. You can do it. Get on the bandwagon.

Annie said...

Have you tried Wylers diet iced tea? It's very yummy, and may fill the gap for you. Good luck!

Twix said...

Well I'm hardly ever thirtsy. I can go days without remembering to drink. So this water/liquid challenge has me scrambling. So much so I think I'm just focusing in on the liquids. I can't figure out how to do both food and liquid. Liquid food? I like tea and have been putting xylitol in mine, it comes in around 120cal a whole gallon with 1/4 cup. We're in the same boat...drowned rats. ;-)

Unknown said...

I just carry a bottle around with me and sip from it often. I don't think I drink as much as some people say I should though. I drink more the harder I work out. I try to to drink a full glass of water when I take my allergy medication... other than that, I don't have many suggestions.

NAN said...

My mom always kept a glass in the bathroom and whenever she went there, she drank a big glass of water. I don't have any problem drinking 7 or 8 glasses daily and truthfully, I have heard you really don't need to drink that much to be successful with weight loss. I have really cut down my consumption of diet Coke; I haven't had a real soda for maybe 40 years. Now I keep a Britta pitcher in my fridge but it does take up a lot of room.

Shane G. said...

I drink tons of water and it is an offshoot of my old habit of drinking tons of Diet Mountain Dew. I used to need a bottle close by all the time. Now,I still drink all day, it is just water. The most important part of drinking water for me is for it to have ice in it. I do drink room temp water at work, but I drink it out of a cool water bottle Kathy bought for me. I know this. I have did some research on drinking water while losing weight and it said that if you get your water intake right, your kidneys start doing their job that the liver took over for so long, leaving the liver to do it's main job which is the making and burning of fat as energy. I know I have done nothing to any extreme on this new journey and I seriously am dropping weight much faster than any other time I have lost weight. I do not KNOW it is because of my water intake, but I suspect it is.

Great job on breaking the addiction to soda and sweet tea. It is tough I know!

Dr. Fat To Fit said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. Keep in mind that a lot of TKD places let parents take classes free or with a discount when they have 2 or more kids. Mine does and several others in town do too. All I had to buy was the uniform and I pay for belt tests. I love it.

Anonymous said...

I really admire you because I've been trying to give up sweet tea for like FOREVER. It's just soooo good. I gave up soda two years ago without looking back, but giving up sweet tea has been SO MUCH HARDER.

Kelly said...

The secret to water drinking? (you asked on my blog and it totally ties in to your post!) I get up and before I make my breakfast I drink 20 oz. I drink 20 with breakfast. I drink 20 for a "snack" between breakfast and lunch. 20 before lunch, 20 during lunch. I'm already up to 100 oz. Some for a "snack", while I'm cooking dinner, and some with dinner...a little more before bed. It takes some time to figure it all out, but that's my secret. And I'm like never hungry anymore!

the strawberry said...

I had that same problem up until recently! I was doing good to get 3 glasses of anything down. I started just tracking my water because of WW, and still had trouble getting my 6 in. It took a conscious effort to get them down, but now, I'm so thirsty I wanna die if I go more than an hour without water. Your body adjusts, it just takes time.

Unknown said...

I don't know if anyone has already used this suggestion becuase I don't have time to read other comments tonight - but here is what I do- First and foremost: I drink from a straw. You will be seriously amazed at how much water you can drink if it's from a straw. Second, I only drink room temperature water. I can drink more of it, and it won't give me a gut ache or that nausea feeling you get if the water is too cold.

Julie Lost and Found said...

I have been drinking about a gallon and a half a day. I purchased two 32 oz water bottles and CONSTANTLY have them full. I learned that I much prefer room temperature water. I used to think I couldn't drink a lot of water but then I learned it was the temperature.

To get in the habit, I just bring the bottles with me EVERYWHERE I go. I got ones with a little handle so it can hang off my fingers as I'm going out the door with keys, kids backpacks, other stuff. Drink drink drink. Pee pee pee.

It truly does keep me full. My headaches have decreased dramatically. I feel more energy. I drink water with EVERYTHING. Even if I screw up with my diet and ate cookies, I'll have water instead of milk.

The Ninja said...

The water drinkers are not cult, just have some kool aid and you’ll see the whole world differently… Ha,ha,ha but really I was never a big water drinker either, but I thought Ill try anything and it seemed pretty easy. I can’t do it unless I have ice. I noticed that at restaurants I always gulped down the ice water, but I hated drinking from bottles. Now I keep a QT cup at the office and at home and have at least four 32 cups of water a day, sometimes I add a little lemon and equal in to make a very weak lemonade. It’s pretty easy for me, I’ve always been a sipper.

Crazy Fat Girl said...

I know I am a little late, but I wanted to be sure to chime in. I am not a lover of the water, I would much rather drink sugary mountain dew, but since I don't here is what I do...

I slam it (the water) like ther eis a frat boy behind me chanting "chug, chug, chug." I take 64 oz. to the gym and drink them before I get to work. I slam one before I go to lunch, I drink water with lunch and try to get another 20 oz before I go home. I also drink lots of other stuff through the day like crystal light, iced tea with splenda (can be made decaff as well), powerade zero and sobe life water.

I like my water room temp. I also prefer a wide mouth bottle. Some like straws (McD's has fat straws). Try some different stuff and see what you like... and if all else fails, "chug, chug, chug" a couple times a day.

Oh, I play games too, like I can't have my diet wild cherry pepsi (I have one diet soda a day)until I drink at least 84 oz of water. It's mental... like me :-)

Anonymous said...

The more water you drink, the more your body relaxes and realizes that it is OK again to let you know it is thirsty. So, just hang in there and it will become more natural, until you actively crave water.

Adding a slice of lemon or a piece of fruit to water to make it more interesting helps, even a drop or two of vanilla! In winter, I often drink my water hot, with a slice of ginger in it, or a teaspoon of vanilla essence. Of course knowing that increasing my water intake keeps away the headaches also helps. Good luck, FM!

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